Press Release

April 14, 2023 11:42 AM

Updated statement regarding LockBit claims

Mike Beck, Chief Information Security Officer, Darktrace

We have completed a thorough security investigation following yesterday’s tweets by LockBit claiming they had compromised Darktrace’s internal systems. We can confirm that there has been no compromise of our systems or any of our affiliate systems. Our service to our customers remains uninterrupted and is operating as normal and no further action is required.

Press Release

April 13, 2023 9:30 AM

Statement regarding LockBit claims

Earlier this morning we became aware of tweets from LockBit, the cyber-criminal gang, claiming that they had compromised Darktrace’s internal security systems and had accessed our data. Our security teams have run a full review of our internal systems and can see no evidence of compromise. None of the LockBit social media posts link to any compromised Darktrace data. We will continue to monitor the situation extremely closely, but based on our current investigations we are confident that our systems remain secure and all customer data is fully protected.

Press Release

Major Maritime Insurer DNK Selects Darktrace to Protect Against Cyber Threats

Enterprise Immune System provides DNK with real-time, actionable cyber intelligence
Cambridge, UK
January 21, 2015
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Major Maritime Insurer DNK Selects Darktrace to Protect Against Cyber Threats

January 21, 2015

Darktrace, the leader in Enterprise Immune System technology, today announced that DNK, a major Norwegian insurance company for the shipping industry, has selected Darktrace to provide cutting-edge cyber defence.

DNK is one of the major operators in the marine specialist risk market, insuring interests attached to vessels, drilling rigs and other movable units against risks of war, terror and piracy. DNK identified cyber security as a key business priority and sees an opportunity to lead the fight against cyber threat in the shipping industry. The company was eager to take action to improve its ability to protect its critical data and systems by employing best-in-class technology.

DNK deployed the Darktrace Cyber Intelligence Platform (DCIP), powered by fundamental Enterprise Immune System technology developed at the University of Cambridge, following a successful, month-long trial of DCIP. During this Proof of Value project, Darktrace demonstrated the inherent worth of its self-learning solution, which is uniquely capable of forming an understanding of normal and abnormal behaviors, without any a priori knowledge or assumptions.

Darktrace’s Enterprise Immune System technology provides DNK with complete, real-time visibility into all of its digital interactions and communications, alerting the company to any emerging anomalous or suspicious behaviors at a very early stage. This proactive defense against previously unidentified threats means that DNK is able to address developing issues before they turn into a crisis, reducing the risk of suffering a debilitating attack or compromise.

The fundamental innovation of the Enterprise Immune System is complemented by Darktrace’s proprietary Threat Visualizer, a 3D graphical visualization interface that is used by analysts to see and investigate emerging cyber incidents.

“Darktrace is unique because it is constantly monitoring what’s going on inside our organization and detecting potential issues without us having to define what we’re looking for or make assumptions about potential threats that might be there in advance, said Svein Ringbakken, Managing Director, DNK. “Darktrace’s Enterprise Immune System gives us a greater confidence in our ability to defend against sophisticated threats, and a superior overall understanding of what is going on within our own systems, exposing areas that we need to investigate in places we would not have known to look. It also demonstrates to our clients and partners that we are leading the way in defending critical data and operations against real and growing threats.”

“We are delighted to be working with innovators such as DNK, and extending the adoption of Enterprise Immune System technology in Scandinavia,” said Nicole Eagan, CEO, Darktrace. “Thanks to Darktrace’s fundamental new machine learning and mathematics approach, we are able to keep up with new, evolving threats that have never before been seen and ensure that DNK has the maximum, real-time and actionable cyber intelligence available.”

About DNK

DNK is a Norwegian insurance company who insures interests attached to vessels, drilling rigs and similar movable units against war risk. DNK is organised as a mutual association where the members of the Association are the assured. All our members are either Norwegian owned or managed companies that maintain a significant intererst in the national shipping industry.

DNK is one of the major operators in the marine war risk market. DNK's risks are covered through a comprehensive reinsurance scheme in the international market. One of DNK's most important objectives is to provide their members with a comprehensive portfolio of war risk insurance products at competitive conditions.

About Darktrace

Darktrace is one of the world’s fastest-growing cyber defense companies and the leader in Enterprise Immune System technology, a new category of cyber solutions based on pioneering Bayesian mathematics developed at the University of Cambridge. Darktrace addresses the challenge of insider threat and advanced cyber-attacks through its unique ability to detect previously unidentified threats in real time, as manifested in the emerging behaviours of the network, devices and individuals.

Some of the world’s largest organizations rely on Darktrace’s adaptive, self-learning platform to spot anomalous activity within the enterprise, in sectors including energy and utilities, financial services, telecommunications, retail and transportation. Darktrace was founded by world-class machine learning specialists and operational government intelligence experts. The company is headquartered in Cambridge, UK, with offices in London, Milan, New York, Paris, San Francisco and Washington D.C.

About Darktrace

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