Cybersecurity for Energy and Utilities

What is cybersecurity in energy and utilities?

Cybersecurity in the energy and utilities sector encompasses strategies, technologies, and processes designed to protect the information systems and infrastructure used by industries such as electricity, oil, gas, and water from cyber threats and attacks.

This sector, being a critical part of any nation's infrastructure, faces unique cybersecurity challenges due to the essential services it provides and its interconnectedness with other critical sectors.

Why is utility cybersecurity important?

Utilities operate systems that are critical to national security and public safety. A breach in cybersecurity can lead to significant disruptions, not only causing economic losses but also affecting the health and safety of millions. For example, cyber-attacks can result in power outages, loss of control over critical systems, and even environmental disasters. Thus, enhancing cybersecurity in oil and gas industries, as well as other utilities, is paramount to ensure the resilience and reliability of energy supply.

Utility cybersecurity challenges

While the adoption of hybrid working patterns increase cloud and SaaS usage, the number of industrial IoT devices also continues to rise. The result is decrease in visibility for security teams and new entry points for attackers. Particularly for energy and utility organizations.

Larger energy utilities face a burden of an exorbitant number of IT, and OT devices, which require constant supervision. Further, their teams are tasked with monitoring all SaaS and email accounts. The sheer volume of information if not processed by AI can lead to alert fatigue, or events being missed all together.

Smaller utilities or electric cooperatives tend to have one or two security employees overseeing IT, SCADA, SaaS, and email while simultaneously assisting other departments when called upon. Time is the biggest obstacle as one person cannot monitor the security around the clock while performing their other duties.

Common cyber threats to energy and utility organizations

Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks: Phishing remains one of the most prevalent threats, where attackers deceive employees into revealing sensitive information or gaining access to internal systems. Social engineering tactics can manipulate personnel into bypassing security protocols, often leading to significant breaches.

82% of security professionals worldwide are concerned about the use of generative AI to craft convincing phishing emails.

Read this white paper to explore ways AI is changing the phishing landscape.

Ransomware Attacks: The utility sector is a prime target for ransomware attacks due to the critical nature of its operations and the potential for high ransom payments. These attacks encrypt an organization’s data, demanding a ransom for the decryption key. For utilities, downtime is not an option, making them more likely to pay ransoms, which unfortunately encourages further attacks.

Ransomware is a multi-stage problem, with few vendors possessing capabilites to stop this threat at every stage. To learn more about the different stages of a ransomware attack read the data sheet here.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs): Often orchestrated by state-sponsored groups, APTs are prolonged, targeted attacks designed to infiltrate systems and remain undetected for long periods. These threats aim to steal critical information, sabotage systems, or spy on utility operations to gain strategic advantages.

Insider Threats: Not all threats come from outside the organization; insider threats involve current or former employees who have access to the network and may misuse their access to steal information or disrupt systems either maliciously or through negligence.

IoT and Smart Infrastructure Vulnerabilities: As utilities modernize infrastructure with smart grids and IoT devices, the attack surface expands significantly. These devices often lack robust security features, making them vulnerable to hacking, which can compromise entire networks.

Supply Chain Attacks: Utilities rely on a vast network of suppliers for software and hardware. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in the supply chain to introduce compromised components or software, leading to widespread security breaches.

Physical Security Breaches: While cybersecurity focuses on protecting data, physical security breaches can have cyber-related consequences. Unauthorized physical access to facilities can lead to the installation of malware or direct sabotage of critical systems.

DDoS Attacks: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks flood networks with excessive traffic, overwhelming systems and disrupting service delivery. Utilities, which rely on real-time data transmission for operational efficiency, can suffer significant impacts from such disruptions.

Best cybersecurity practices for energy and utilities

To effectively safeguard against the myriad of cyber threats facing the energy and utilities sectors, it is crucial to implement a robust cybersecurity strategy. This strategy should encompass not only technological solutions but also organizational and procedural safeguards. Here are some expanded best practices for energy and utilities cybersecurity:

Comprehensive Risk Management: Begin with thorough risk assessments to understand and prioritize the vulnerabilities within the utility's infrastructure. This should include regular updates and evaluations to reflect the evolving threat landscape and the addition of new assets or technologies.

Segmentation of Network Infrastructure: Implement network segmentation to isolate critical control systems from the rest of the network. This minimizes the potential impact of a breach as attackers cannot easily access critical operational systems from less secure parts of the network.

Advanced Threat Detection Systems: Utilize advanced threat detection technologies that incorporate machine learning and artificial intelligence to identify unusual behavior patterns indicative of a cyber-attack. These systems can provide early warnings and help mitigate threats before they escalate.

Employee Training and Phishing Simulations: Regular training sessions should be conducted to educate employees about the latest cyber threats and phishing tactics. Simulated phishing exercises can be particularly effective in preparing employees to recognize and respond to malicious attempts to gain access to secure information.

Incident Response and Recovery Plans: Develop and regularly test incident response plans that outline specific steps to be taken in the event of a cyberattack. These plans should include communication strategies, roles and responsibilities, and recovery processes to ensure a quick restoration of services.

Application Whitelisting: Employ application whitelisting on operational technology (OT) networks to ensure only pre-approved software can run. This helps prevent unauthorized applications and potential malware from executing within the network.

Update and Patch Management: Maintain rigorous update and patch management policies to ensure all software and systems are up-to-date with the latest security patches. This is crucial to protect against known vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit.

Enhanced Access Controls: Implement strong access control policies, including multi-factor authentication, to ensure that only authorized individuals can access sensitive systems and data. Role-based access controls should be enforced to limit access based on the necessity of the job function.

Regular Security Audits and Penetration Testing: Conduct regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address security vulnerabilities. These tests should be performed by independent third-party experts to provide an unbiased view of the security posture.

Secure Configuration Management: Ensure that all systems are configured securely by default. Regular reviews and updates of security configurations should be conducted to mitigate against potential vulnerabilities.

Data Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data both in transit and at rest to protect it from unauthorized access. This is particularly important when dealing with customer information and operational data that could be exploited if intercepted.

Engagement with Industry Groups and Government Bodies: Participate in industry groups and collaborate with government bodies to stay informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and regulatory requirements. Sharing information about threats and best practices can help strengthen the overall security posture of the utility sector.

Darktrace cybersecurity solutions for energy and utilities

Darktrace / OT is the most comprehensive Prevention, Detection, and Response solution purpose built for Critical Infrastructures. It is the only OT cybersecurity solution that natively covers IT and OT providing visibility of OT, IoT, and IT assets in unison encompassing network and cloud-connected IT systems to specialized OT assets, achieving greater visibility of OT and IT devices across all levels of the Purdue Model.

Using Self-Learning AI technology Darktrace / OT is the industry’s only OT security solution to scale bespoke risk management, threat detection, and response with a significant time saving from triage to recovery.

Learn how it can optimize security across all levels of the Purdue Model and reduce time from triage to recovery. Access the full solution brief here.

Key Benefits of Darktrace/OT: Read the Solution Brief to learn more

Asset management: Darktrace Asset Identification offers both active and passive scanning to identify devices for foundational technical information (MAC Address, Vendor, Firmware version, Model,etc.) and vulnerability data (CVEs and End-Of-Life status). The data is pulled into different interactive visualizations for security teams to explore the relationship between devices and quickly determine location and status, then guides security workflows with real time activity monitoring to accurately visualize live OT operations and relevant IT infrastructure, unlimited by visibility into only OT.

Risk Management: Darktrace/OT is the industry’s first OT Risk Management solution to go beyond simple vulnerability scoring (CVE/ CVSS), generating bespoke Risk Analysis. Darktrace/OT combines its unique understanding of IT, OT, CVE data, and MITRE techniques, to map the critical attack paths across your infrastructure, contextualize risk and then identify and prioritize remediation and mitigation that based on the difficulty, exposure, and impact of a vulnerability most effectively reduce risk associated with your environment.

Anomaly-based detection: Unlike all other approaches to OT security that rely on a constant stream known of threat data, Darktrace/OT leverages Self-Learning AI to understand your normal business operations, allowing you to detect anything that deviates from normal. This makes it possible to spot insider, known, unknown, and zero-day threats at scale. Because we work based on your raw network data, Darktrace can be safely implemented to provide a consolidated view into OT or both OT and IT environments without internet or external connectivity.

AI-Led Investigation: Darktrace immediately understands, identifies, and investigates all anomalous activity in OT networks, whether human or machine driven and uses Explainable AI to generate investigation reports via Darktrace’s Cyber AI Analyst. These auto-generated reports reduce triage and investigation time of threats, automatically investigating all threats across IT and OT, prioritizing critical incidents, and summarizing findings upskilling your IT and OT practitioners.

Autonomous Response: Darktrace distinguishes itself by working hands on with organizations to leverage its comprehensive understanding of network behavior to initiate precise responses only as permitted by end users. These responses are entirely optional and highly configurable beginning with prompting human confirmation before taking action.

Deployment: In our unified view we can deploy devices into your environment whether IT, DMZ, OT, Cloud, or all the above, providing local monitoring no matter where your operational technology infrastructure is.

By integrating these practices and solutions, energy and utilities companies can enhance their defensive posture against the evolving landscape of cyber threats. This strategic focus on cybersecurity is essential not only for protecting infrastructure but also for safeguarding the public and the environment from potential harm. Ensuring robust cyber security for utilities and energy companies is not just a technical requirement but a fundamental aspect of national security and public well-being.

See why Utilitiy and Energy companies trust Darktrace

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